Hi, I'm Meagan. I'm an Assistant Professor at Old Dominion University with expertise in justice-centered school leadership.

My research centers justice-centered educational leadership, including dimensions of how leaders practice social justice, how to prepare such leaders, and how policies and policies intersect with these leaders’ work. My research has been recognized by AERA’s Division A and the Leadership for School Improvement SIG within AERA. In addition to my research, I have a strong track record of teaching and mentoring aspiring leaders and academics within university settings. I also hold leadership roles across the academy, such as serving as a Member-at-Large for the AERA Learning and Teaching in Educational Leadership SIG.

This website houses my CV, information about my research and teaching, and my personal background. If you'd like to talk education, hire me to consult on a project, or, really, anything else, please feel free to email me using the link below.